Integrated systems – How to make the right choice

Integrated systems – How to make the right choice

Integrated systems – How to make the right choice

Three-Step Approach

There are countless Integrated Software Solutions (ISS) available in the market, encompassing solutions like ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning), PLM (Product Life Management), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), WMS (Warehouse Management System), TMS (Transportation Management System), etc. So, it’s crucial that you make the right choice of integrated software that aligns with the context, goals, and needs of your organization. But do you know what the ISS selection process looks like?

This article briefly introduces the EFICIO approach to the Selection and Acquisition of Integrated Software. Additionally, you can watch a webinar on the topic. The webinar covers the steps to consider for such a project, pitfalls to avoid, tips, and tricks. It also includes a real-life case of ERP system selection and acquisition at Stelpro.

Patrick Beauchamp, Vice President of Finance at Stelpro, along with Alain Marchildon, President of Eficio, will share the different stages of the project and lessons learned. This discussion is moderated by Pierre-Laurent Boudrias, Manufacturing Advisor at STIQ.

Watch the webinar here (in French): https: //

The deployment of an ISS is a costly project, not only in terms of license and maintenance dollars but also in terms of resources and dedicated time. Yet, too often, organizations, dazzled by the promises and hype from suppliers, fail to successfully deploy their projects.

To help organizations increase the chances of a successful integrated software deployment, we’ve developed, with the help of our CIOs and dozens of experts in ISS and change management, a step-by-step approach and implementation tools for ISS.

This article aims to summarize our approach and tools available for an ISS selection that will meet your goals. This easy-to-follow three-step process will help you identify your company’s needs, evaluate and compare solutions, validate your technical requirements, and negotiate a winning contract that will be easy to manage.

The following diagram shows the 3 stages of ISS selection/acquisition/negotiation in relation to the deployment process that will follow selection and negotiation.

Selection and Acquisition Process

This diagram depicts the relative efforts for the activities of selecting and negotiating an Integrated Software Solution (ISS) such as ERP, CRM, PLM, WMS, TMS.

Activities and Efforts - Selection and Negotiation of ERP

The EFICIO approach to the selection and acquisition of integrated software consists of activities and deliverables presented by best practices and supported by a complete toolbox. The following diagram provides the reference framework for the approach. This framework is always adapted to the client’s context and objectives.

Approach for software selection

Want to know more about each activity in the 3 stages? Please contact us to get our detailed approach and start a conversation about your project.

Remember that we offer a free one-hour consultation to discuss your challenges and get a preliminary opinion.

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