Accelerating Competence: How Augmented Reality is Revolutionizing Manufacturing Training

Accelerating Competence: How Augmented Reality is Revolutionizing Manufacturing Training

Accelerating Competence: How Augmented Reality is Revolutionizing Manufacturing Training

The integration of Augmented Reality (AR) into manufacturing processes represents a significant shift in training and operational efficiency. Traditionally, the learning curve, a concept introduced by T.P. Wright in 1936, has been used to predict time and cost reductions resulting from learning and experience in manufacturing processes. The advent of AR technology disrupts this traditional model by potentially altering key variables within the learning curve, particularly the initial time required to produce the first unit (denoted by K) and the slope of the curve, which indicates learning efficiency over time.

Jean philippe coté
Jean-Philippe Côté
Preject leader - Operational Excellence

Impact of Augmented Reality on the Learning Curve

Dejong’s learning curve model incorporates a machine portion, reflecting the assumption that some aspects of efficiency and learning gains are limited to the human part of the operation. The hypothesis that AR could increase the machine portion of the learning curve suggests a belief that technology is the primary driver of efficiency and learning gains. However, the most compelling impact of AR in a manufacturing context is likely its significant reduction of the K value. This effect stems from AR’s ability to enhance human performance in complex tasks, especially those involving procedures with 20 or more steps.

AR can overlay step-by-step instructions directly into workers’ fields of vision, reducing cognitive load and minimizing errors during the execution of complex procedures. This immediate access to information can significantly reduce the time required for a worker to learn and correctly execute a task for the first time, thus lowering K.

Improving Learning Quality and Speed

AR’s potential in manufacturing extends beyond accelerating the initial learning phase. It also enhances the quality and speed of learning through interactive, real-time feedback and guidance. Workers can perform tasks with greater precision and fewer errors, leading to a steeper learning curve, implying that competence is achieved faster compared to traditional training methods.

Research indicates that interactive learning environments, such as those enabled by AR, significantly improve information retention and task proficiency. This is particularly relevant for complex manufacturing processes that traditionally require extensive training and experience to master.

Practical Implications 

The practical implications of integrating AR into manufacturing are profound. For procedures with numerous steps, the traditional approach would involve extensive documentation, training sessions, and potentially trial and error, all contributing to a longer and more costly learning curve. With AR, workers can receive on-the-job training that is both efficient and effective, significantly reducing the time and cost associated with achieving operational competence.

 4.0 Industry : augmented reality system for production 

Accélérer la compétence : Comment la réalité augmentée révolutionne l'apprentissage manufacturier

Moreover, AR can adapt to workers’ varying skill levels, providing personalized guidance that aligns with each individual’s learning pace and style. This adaptability not only accelerates the learning process but also improves the quality of outcomes by ensuring that all workers perform tasks at a consistent level of expertise.


The integration of Augmented Reality into manufacturing processes represents a paradigm shift in addressing the learning curve in industrial contexts. By potentially reducing the K value and improving the speed and quality of learning, AR can significantly enhance operational efficiency and productivity. Rather than merely increasing the machine portion of Dejong’s model, AR revolutionizes the human aspect of learning, offering a promising future for complex manufacturing processes. As this technology matures and gains wider adoption, we can expect a redefinition of efficiency criteria in terms of time and costs in manufacturing, setting new standards for industrial training and operational excellence.

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